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True North Man

Oct 19, 2020

Show of hands: who was born with all the answers? If, like most of us, you have gone through life trying to figure out who you are and construct the person you want to be, guess what? You're probably looking in the wrong places.

On this episode of the True North Man podcast, Paul tackles the topic of understanding and developing our most holy and wholesome identity, from the guidance we're given by God and the miracle of being created in His image to the vision we gain when we trust in God to give it to us rather than let our desires have the steering wheel, and what "VIP" actually stands for. Listen in for an episode that will point you on the path to enlightenment and the life you've only dreamed of.

What You'll Learn:

  • Why wisdom and guiding vision are inseparable from one another, and how these two traits strengthen each other
  • How God begins to subtly change our thoughts and our very existence when we choose to abide in Him
  • What our starting point and foundation should be when we begin to seek vision for our lives
  • And much more!

Favorite Quote:

"You have the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three in one. So Jesus Christ is God, God is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, came to set the captives free - which, oh, by the way, I must say that I was certainly a captive, and I have certainly been set free. What have I been set free from? In a worldly sense, I've been set free from many of the things in my past that I allowed to control me, that were not serving me well, that were not serving my family well. And so I've been set free from the bondage of desires that hurt myself and hurt those around me. And I've been turned on to a path where I do the exact opposite."

 - Paul Beam

How to Get Involved:

  • Paul Beam is on a mission to use his experience, wisdom and purpose to uplift men of faith to reach their full potential and become who they were created to be.
  • Visit True North Man on Instagram and engage with the community here, and visit Paul himself on Facebook and at @paulbeam81.

And don't forget to check out this and other episodes on Apple Podcasts. Leave a rating and a review letting us know what you thought. Your feedback means the world!